To get a filing date in the Canadian Patent Office (CIPO), you will need to provide, at the time of filing:
- a request for a patent grant
- the name and address of the applicant
- the specification, and
- the appropriate filing fee ($400 for standard entity or $200 for small entity)
Please note that with a small entity fee, you must also file a statement that you believe yourself to be a small entity under the Patent Rules. Here's some boilerplate:
"The applicant believes that in accordance with the Patent Rules they are entitled to pay fees at the small entity level in respect of this application and in respect of any patent issued on the basis of this application."
This is true for applications first filed in Canada, Convention Priority applications filed in Canada, originating in the US for example, and PCT National Phase entries in Canada. For completion of the application, you must also file:
- a petition (a form can be found here)
- an abstract
- a set of claims
The petition contains some further requirements:
- a declaration that the applicant is the legal representative of the inventor, or that the applicant is the inventor,
- the small entity declaration discussed above, and
- an appointment of agent
so it's recommended that the petition is filed with the application.
That's about it. Once you have filed the specification, petition and fee, then you should receive a Filing Certificate in 4 - 8 weeks. If it's a National Phase application from a PCT, then it's helpful to include a copy of the first page of the PCT. If the format does not meet the requirements, you'll receive a request to amend the specification to comply.
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